

Hi, my name is Odessa DeMarco. I am a 20 something living in Toronto. I love all things pumpkin, yoga, and cats. Welcome to my baking and cooking blog!

I’ve loved baking my entire life. My mom is a skilled baker and we’ve been baking cookies and cakes together since I was a toddler. We bake together for every family holiday. Usually it’s standard cookies like shortbread, chocolate chip, or macaroons, but sometimes we get very creative and have made some incredible cakes including a stand-up fishbowl cake.

I’ve never taken a professional cooking or baking class, but shoutout to my Grade 10 Food and Nutrition class that taught me so much about food safety, cooking tips, and baking science. As an adult, I’ve become more passionate about cooking and baking and through other food blogs, learned a lot about the fundamentals behind creating food dishes.

The purpose of this blog is to share the recipes in rotation in my small Toronto kitchen. My friends and family are often asking for these and are the reason I’ve created this blog. In addition to recipes, you will also find posts about kitchen tips that you can apply to any dish you create. I hope you find some inspiration here to create delicious dishes and treats!